We are thrilled to announce that our school has officially been authorized to offer the IB Diploma Programme! August 21, 2024, marks our first IB "birthday," a significant milestone that highlights the dedication and teamwork of our entire community.

Achieving DP authorization in less than a year is an incredible achievement for the ISS family. Every member of our team played an essential role in making this possible — from submitting course overviews and participating in meetings to stepping in for colleagues and spreading encouragement. We are immensely grateful to everyone who contributed to this success!

We would also like to acknowledge the hard work of our future DP teaching team, including both current staff and those joining us in September. On top of their regular responsibilities, they have taken on the challenge of preparing for our very first group of IB Diploma students. Their dedication to students they have yet to meet and their commitment to our school’s mission are truly inspiring.

A special thank you goes to Isabelle, who guided us as the school’s DP Coordinator delegate throughout the authorization process and, as of yesterday, officially became our first DP Coordinator. Her steady leadership has been invaluable, and we are confident that she will continue to be an exceptional Coordinator in the years to come.

We look forward to this exciting new chapter as we welcome our first DP cohort and continue to provide our students with a world-class education !